​Where Are We in the Process?
​​Activities to Date:
​The Westport Master Plan Update (2021) discussed existing internet services and proposed creation of an Internet Advisory Committee (IAC) to explore the possibilities of installing a fiber optic internet system.
The IAC was established in 2021 and entered into a contract with an internet consulting firm, EntryPoint, to develop a Master Plan for introducing a fiber optic system in Westport.
A survey of residents and businesses in the Summer of 2021 confirmed widespread dissatisfaction with the speed and reliability of existing internet services and with their high costs.
In May 2022, the Annual Town Meeting approved the first vote on establishing a Municipal Light Plant (MLP) in Westport to provide our own internet services
EntryPoint, a consulting firm employed by the Town, delivered the Digital Access Master Plan in November 2022 and presented it to the Select Board.
The Select Board voted to endorse the Plan in December 2022.
The 2021 Town Meeting authorized funding to establish a fiber optic network connecting all the Town offices, schools and radio towers. Construction of this system began in July 2022 and was completed by December 2022. The Town network went live in February 2023. This system was designed with future growth in mind and provides a fiber “backbone” that will be able to support fiber connections to homes and businesses throughout the Town.
The Town applied for and was awarded a Municipal Fiber Grant from the State of $241,500 to (1) install security cameras in two Town office buildings and (2) fund the first two of six fiber rings that will provide the basis for extending fiber optic services throughout the Town.
​Current Activities
Final testing of the backbone system to serve all Town offices and schools has been completed.
Installation of two loops from the backbone in the northern part of the Town is underway.
What happened at Town Meeting?
Town Meeting voted Yes - 180 to 12 on Article 23!
Article 23: Municipal Light Plant contained the following wording:
To see if the town will vote pursuant to M. G. L. C. 164 Sec.36 to acquire a municipal light plant and to authorize such plant to construct, purchase or lease, and maintain such facilities as may be necessary for the distribution or the operation of a telecommunications system for municipal use or for the use of its customers, pursuant to M.G.L. C.164 Sec.47E, or as otherwise authorized by law, or to take any other action thereto:
What's next?:
The IAC and the Select Board will now move ahead with deciding how the MLP will be organized, what will be its authority and what will be the management and supervisory arrangements between the MLP and the Select Board.
The IAC and Select Board will reach out to find grant and low-cost loan financing sources that can be tapped to minimize the cost of establishing the new high-speed internet services in the Town.
The IAC and, once established, the MLP will mount a campaign to encourage residential and business customers to commit to joining the new high-speed fiber optic internet services once they become available.
Guiding Principles and Objectives
Reliable Internet is critical infrastructure. Creating a Town-owned fiber optic network would provide that critical infrastructure. We are in the second stage of this process and the potential benefits driving the concept and our work include providing a new competitive internet option for our residents and businesses and also dramatically improving access.
At last year's Town Meeting we voted to take the first step towards establishing a Municipal Light Plant (MLP) that would be the entity to build and manage a Town-owned high-speed internet service. At the next Town Meeting on May 2nd we are asking for a second vote that is required to formally authorize creation of the Municipal Light Plan and provide it with the authority to carry out a business plan to build the infrastructure, manage its finances and provide services to its customers
As this initiative moves forward, it will be based on the following principles:
​1. Participation will be on a voluntary, opt-in basis. Nobody will be forced to participate.
2. Town tax revenues will not be used to fund the network.
3. The ongoing operation of the network will be self-sustaining and not dependent on any kind of subsidy from the Town.
Primary objectives for this infrastructure initiative include the following:
1. Significantly increase the speed and reliability of internet access.
2. Lower the cost of internet access for both residents and businesses.
3. Increase competition giving residents and businesses additional choices of new Internet Service Providers.
4. Build a state-of-the-art network that will facilitate working and learning from home and provide high speed, reliable internet for businesses to improve their services.
5. Leverage the network to improve other services in town including public safety, transportation, healthcare, education, emergency communications, and new services that will become possible with advanced network infrastructure.
6. Improve security in the schools and town offices by setting up high speed communication linkages that can be monitored in the event of an emergency. An example of such a security system can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTeumGAHdag